

Gain confidence and knowledge in the OR
Increase your efficiency
Cross border collaboration and communication

CORH or also known as Central Operating Room Hub

Will instantly assist healthcare professionals working in surgical operating rooms worldwide, sharing knowledge and inspiring confidence to ensure every patient receives the highest standard of care.

We love you to experience our expanding features

Surgeon management

You can manage the surgeon you are working without carrying bulky folders.

Can add surgeon

You can always add new surgeons anytime you want

Manage surgeon

Manage your surgeon's details and procedures or their preferences

Procedure cards

The surgeon procedure card module is an online cloud app where users can access surgeon preference cards on any device to create, edit and update in real-time;

Organize OR and items

You can create new procedure cards from scratch

Take notes

You can create from the template. CORH provides a template for you to start on


You can share your procedure, surgeons, and medical items, or your colleagues will share with you when you ask


Build a wide database of data together with your colleagues knowledge and experties in the OR

Data sharing

Sharing data with anyone with your own created content helps them to be more efficient in the OR

Available to all platforms

Easily accessible in real-time via a mobile phone, tablet, iPad Download our app from Google play store and Apple store

CORH on your personal computer

You can create your procedure card or surgeons using your personal computer or Laptop.

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Check out our pricing

Try hospital hub to access the unlimited surgeon creation, recruiting your members, and unlimited storage for your media library

Extra - small hub tier

Add up to +5 members to your hub

Create up to +3 surgeons to work on

500 GB

of storage

Coming soon
Small hub tier

Add up to +10 members to your hub

Create up to +5 surgeons to work on

800 GB

of storage

Coming soon
Medium hub tier

Add up to +15 members to your hub

Create up to +10 surgeons to work on

2 TB

of storage

Coming soon
Large hub tier

Add up to +20 members to your hub

Create up to +20 surgeons to work on

5 TB

of storage

Coming soon
Hospital tier

Add up to unlimited members to your hub

Create up to unlimited surgeons to work on


of storage

Coming soon